The Mission of STL Cure Sarcoma is to Generate Funding for Research for All Types of Sarcoma Cancers, both in St. Louis and Nationwide, as well as to Create Awareness About the Disease. We Have Created a Patient-Oriented Event that Celebrates the Life of Survivors/Warriors, Honors the Fight of Loved Ones Lost, and Builds a Community for Those Affected by Sarcoma.
The St. Louis Cure Sarcoma 6K fundraiser was created by a group of individuals directly affected by Sarcoma. We are a group of Sarcoma warriors, survivors, loved ones of those lost, and relatives of those still fighting. Regardless of our different journeys with this disease, we all have one thing in common: We have all been affected by the lack of Sarcoma research and limited treatment options for Sarcoma patients. We created this group with the assistance of our oncologist, Brian Van Tine, M.D., Ph.D., to fund research through our Annual STL Cure Sarcoma 6K Run/Walk. We strongly believe in Dr. Van Tine’s research and have made it a priority to reserve half of the proceeds of this event to benefit his research lab at Washington University in St. Louis. We use the other half of the proceeds to support nationwide Sarcoma research.
Siteman Cancer Center:
The Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine is an international leader in cancer treatment, research, prevention, education and community outreach. It is the only cancer center in Missouri to hold the prestigious Comprehensive Cancer Center designation from the National Cancer Institute and membership in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Parent institutions Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine also are nationally recognized, with U.S. News & World Report magazine consistently ranking both among the best in the country.
Siteman offers the expertise of more than 350 Washington University research scientists and physicians who provide care for nearly 9,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients each year. A full range of advanced diagnostic and treatment services are available for patients with all types of cancer. Siteman also offers patients access to support services throughout their care.
You can find out more about Siteman Cancer Center on their website:
Dr. Brian Van Tine’s Sarcoma Research at Siteman:
Dr. Van Tine’s laboratory studies how to take advantage of molecular weaknesses in cancer cells and use drugs that target those weaknesses. For example, they identified a genetic mutation in sarcoma cells that leads to a deficiency in a key amino acid that the cells depend on for survival. By using a special chemical screening process called global metabolomics, they can identify targeted drugs that block those amino acids from being made or used, therefore killing the cancer cells. These same chemical pathways can be used to help deliver chemotherapy drugs more effectively. By understanding the metabolism of tumor cells, Dr. Van Tine’s team takes bench-level findings to clinical trials, strategically developing combination drug therapies that will transform how sarcomas are treated. READ MORE
Sarcoma Strong:
Sarcoma Strong is an organization founded by, Matthew R. DiCaprio, M.D., a practicing Musculoskeletal Oncologist in New York, who wanted to do more for his local sarcoma family. Through his organization, he has raised sarcoma research funds that are distributed nationally through the Sarcoma Strong/MSTS (Musculoskeletal Tumor Society) Research Grant. In an effort to expand his reach, he recruited Dr. David D. Greenberg, M.D., from St. Louis University Hospital to start a race in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Dr. Greenburg found STL Cure Sarcoma while researching local events and reached out to us to discuss a collaboration. After realizing how similar our organizations are, and that Sarcoma Strong could offer an avenue to National Sarcoma Research that follows NIH guidelines, our partnership was born. This partnership allows us to continue to support promising sarcoma research efforts nationally, while also supporting the local sarcoma research efforts of Dr. Brian Van Tine, M.D., PH.D. at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.